25 Best Foods For Your Skin (2)

How to get a radiant glow, banish wrinkles, and keep skin supple and soft- one bite at a time.
By Jessica Girdwain

Posted on Prevention.com

Green tea
In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2011, people who drank a beverage containing green tea polyphenols daily for 12 weeks had skin that was more elastic and smooth, and had one-quarter less sun damage when exposed to UV light compared to a control group. The brew’s catechins like EGCG (antioxidants) boost blood flow and oxygen to the skin, which delivers key nutrients to keep your complexion healthy, say researchers. Brew the perfect cup every time with these simple steps.

It’s one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralize the free radicals created by UV light—including the wavelengths that actually get through sunscreen and reach your skin, according to research in Clinics in Dermatology. Plus, just one cup gives you 134% and 133% of your daily value for skin-firming vitamin C and A, respectively. (Take your kale to a new level with chef Sam Talbot’s crunchy kale chips recipe.)


It’s the only type of nut that contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which is especially important for vegetarians who are skipping fish. Walnuts pack an omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid. “Deficiency in this fat can result in eczema, which is associated with dry, scaly skin,” says Drayer.


Orange peel
Researchers from the University of Arizona looked at people who reported that they ate citrus fruits, juices, and peels weekly. People who ate peels (orange peel or lemon zest, for example) had a 33% decreased risk for squamous cell carcinoma. Juice and fruit didn’t have any effect. The researchers credit limonene, a compound found in the oil in the peels that offers the UV-protective benefits. (Check out these tasty ways to eat fruit and veggie peels.)

Grass-fed beef
Not only does grass-fed beef contain a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids (to reduce inflammation), but it also packs nearly 30 grams of protein per 3.5-ounce serving. “Protein is the building block of collagen and elastin tissue, which keeps skin taut and less wrinkled,” says Dr. Wu. Choose lean cuts like sirloin tip and flank steak.

Original Article: Prevention.com