Hydroponic Tomato Experiment ② – Germination

In the previous article I wrote about how I planted cherry tomato seeds. Once you plant seeds, you have only to evenly refill the water daily if the water level has decreased. We had some hot days with daytime high of almost 30 degrees C at the end of last September as well as in early October. I remember that the water level dropped very quickly. The cherry tomato seeds sprouted a week after the seeding.

Slender sprouts resembling kaiware-daikon came out all at once. Since this was my first time growing tomatoes, I was concerned whether such frail shoots would grow well.

As you can see, both the sprouts from the tea filter bags and the sponges look good. You still have to refill the water when needed. After the germination, the sprouts grew amazingly well. At this point, you should place the plants in direct sunlight. The sprouts firmly grow seeking sunlight. They grow towards the sun. Take a look at the following pictures.

Eight days after germination

13 days after germination

Leaves got stronger. They are ready to be transplanted. You can transplant the seedlings before they have grown to what you see in the picture as 13 days after germination. I recommend that you transplant the seedlings as you see in the above picture as 8 days after germination.

You will need to transplant the seedlings from the tray to a new housing. From this stage, more effort is required and I bought some necessary tools for the transplanting work at a 100-yen shop.