Hydroponic Tomato Experiment⑭ – Tiny Cherry Tomatoes

The cherry tomatoes have been harvested regularly. They varied in size but were perfectly formed. Some of them developed color and ripened without attaining full size. The tomatoes in the above picture are very small. You can probably tell even without a reference for size comparison.

The tomatoes in the above picture are extremely small; they are about one centimeter in diameter. They looked like tiny cherry tomatoes, but they were not very shiny and lacked firmness. I wondered how they would taste but upon consumption they tasted like normal cherry tomatoes. Many of those tiny cherry tomatoes were from dense-setting plants. In these, nutrients didn’t spread well throughout the plants, or there were differences in nutrient absorption among the seedlings. Though very small, they tasted good as average-sized tomatoes and could be used nicely as a garnish.
As a byproduct, tiny cherry tomatoes were harvested.