Make-up, a good way to keep you healthy!

The other day, I went to help with a volunteer activity to make up handicapped children.  They were so excited because they have never had make-up on before.  As the make-up went on, they started to have bright smiles on their faces as if roses bloom under the morning sun.  We were the ones to provide, but it was us who got deeply impressed by those children more than we had expected. 

I really think a make-up has a power!  Most of the developed countries are becoming aging societies.  Because we are living in such times, it is important to have a full make-up on to trick ourselves to look younger.  I’m sure that we will feel happy and confident when we find ourselves look younger in the mirror and that shall encourage us to lead a happy life. 

Decades ago people used to have a negative belief toward women over 60 years old having make-up on that those women were presumptuous.  But now the women in the same age range of those in 20 years ago look much younger by 10 to 20 years old.  Of course, they have become younger physically, in muscle health wise.  This is not just an outcome of being effected by the power of make-up.  Looking younger than your actual age surely stimulates your female hormones, growth hormones, and immune systems. 

I think this has a direct effect on reducing medical expenses after all.  The Recent hair dyes have improved quality so much to help us look younger.  I assume that not many people are aware of how much gray hair they actually have. 

Considering our second life starting from the age of 60, it may continue 30 years or more.  So let’s straighten up our back, put on an appropriate make-up, and dress-up accordingly!  These are the tips to make ourselves bright as well as the whole society!  I hope that even men, if possible, should have make-up on in a casual manner from now on.